Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Love Your Body

The day everyone has been waiting for has arrived. Not just a new year, but the Tone It Up Love Your Body Challenge. Today is a planning kind of day. Goals whether their short term or long term, naming things you love about your body. What do you want to change? How do you plan to do it? 
Planning equals success! I have printed out the blog with all the details of this challenge, gone through and highlighted. I have a new chart for my measurements that I take every Monday. I have my workouts printed and ready to add to my TIU workout binder. I have my mini notebook for daily workouts, moods, quotes, foods, etc. 

List of goals are complete! I have some that I always want to work on. Some that I don't spend enough time doing. One that I am always trying to better is, me being happy for me! I focus so much on others and their happiness that sometimes I forget about myself. Others being happy makes me happy? That shouldn't be right. I deserve it just as much. This means more "me" time. A little less on the computer or my phone. I may just start leaving my phone at home when I'm out with Chris. I am always pushing him aside, getting on here and talking to everyone else. I think we all deserve a little "me" time. Thirty minutes before bed for reading or  writing and a little tea time. Perfect way to relax and end the night. I think I only get this here and there. More so because I'm spending it online. Others, obviously I have stated before. I know everyone is writing up their list right now!
And of course, you have to love yourself. We deserve compliments daily! To many times, we're looking at the negative things in our lives. So, what do you love about your body?
I love my eyes, smile, long legs, skin tone and booty. I found this hard because I don't want to sound coincided, but that's not what it's about. Love yourself and compliment yourself as much as you would others. You deserve it! 

So, who is ready? Love new challenges, because it just means new people. I have a few I am working with to hold accountability. Love how my phone is blowing up with TIU girls numbers. Thank you K&K for yet another way for us to all come together, motivate and inspire!

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